Thursday 3 June 2010

Campaign for a Living Wage

In response to an email I received from Ed Miliband MP (see below). I have signed up in support of the Campaign for a Living Wage. I thought some of our readers also might want to support the campaign.

Dear Suzanne,

In Britain in 2010, over 5 million workers are paid under £7 an hour. And yet, studies show that people need £7.14 -- at the very, very least -- to fulfil their most basic needs: food, clothing and housing.

The Labour Party, even in opposition, is in a position to do something about this injustice -- and to campaign to transform the lives of some of the lowest paid workers in the country.

That's the sort of Labour Party I believe in, and that's the sort of party I am seeking to lead -- one that engages in communities and campaigns for real change in people's lives.

That's why, on Friday, I launched an important campaign for a living wage at an event in London. There was real support for the campaign and the launch was heavily oversubscribed.

But for our living wage campaign to succeed, I need you to take a stake in it -- and to take it to your own communities and networks.

There are two crucial ways we need you to support the campaign at this stage. First, we need you to sign the petition to show you support the living wage:

Once you've done that, we really need you to help us build momentum behind this campaign, by forwarding this email and inviting ten of your friends to join you in signing up, by tweeting and Facebooking your support for the living wage, and by asking people you know to join the Labour Party.

We are not the first to campaign for a living wage, and I know we won't be the last. But I hope we can share and spread the belief that the Labour Party can add to this campaign for fairness -- and reconnect as a transformative force for good in this country.

Many thanks for your support,

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